Three Ways To Properly Prepare Your Restaurant For A Fire

When you purchase a restaurant, you need to be sure that it is as safe as it can be for your staff and your patrons. An important part of proper restaurant preparation is to prepare the restaurant for a possible fire. The following guide walks you through a few ways you can make sure your business is as safe as it can be if a fire breaks out.

Make the Exits Easy to Identify

When you own a restaurant, it is important to have multiple exits for people to use in case of a fire so that everyone can make it out of the building safely. In order for the exits to be useful, they have to be easily identifiable. Have lit signs hung next to the exits in the building that label them as being exits. You need to keep the exits unlocked when anyone is in the building so that everyone can get out during a fire. There are doors that stay locked on the outside while still allowing someone to open them from the inside. These are great for a restaurant because you do not have to worry about anyone coming in from the outside without your knowledge but can still keep people safe.

Have a Fire Suppression System Installed

When you have a restaurant, fires can break out easily in the kitchen. Hire a professional fire suppression company, such as Alexander Gow Fire Equipment Company, to come to your restaurant and let you know about the different types of systems that are available to you. Having a fire suppression system installed will ensure that you can contain the fire as much as possible when one breaks out. The system is activated on its own when it senses there is a fire, which means everyone can focus on getting out of the building safely rather than trying to activate a fire suppression system.

Have Fire Extinguishers Handy

It is important to have multiple fire extinguishers placed throughout your restaurant. This allows a small fire to be put out very quickly. Have everyone in your staff trained on how to properly use the extinguishers so that they can be effective as possible.

While no business owner wants to think about their business catching fire, properly preparing for the situation could help to keep your business from being too badly damaged or even save a life. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to ensure everyone in your establishing is as safe as they can be at all times when they are within the walls of your business.
