These Signs Should Make You Close The Door Quickly On Someone At Your Doorstep

When your doorbell rings, you may check to see who's at the door and open it if you know the person or see that it's someone you don't know and leave the door locked. Another option is to warily open the door and see what the person wants. In this scenario, it's important to be extremely cautious. The person at your door may intend to do you harm but may be pretending to be a salesperson or a neighbor long enough to gain your trust and then push past you into your home. This is a major concern if your home security system isn't activated. If you plan to open the door to someone you don't know, watch carefully for these signs. If you detect them, it's wise to close the door and lock it quickly.

The Person Seems Highly Nervous

One sign that the person standing at your door may have bad intentions is that he or she seems highly nervous. Someone who is gearing up to commit a home invasion may often feel nervous, and this emotional state may be apparent in several ways. For example, the person could be fidgety, sweaty, or his or her eyes could be darting around rapidly. Nervous speech can often be quick and difficult to follow, too.

The Person Is Looking Past You

If someone comes to your door, you expect that he or she will talk directly to you. Your red flags should go up a little if the person is looking past you to see what the interior of your home looks like. In this scenario, the person may be looking for valuables that he or she could quickly grab. For example, the person may plan to grab your car keys off a hook near the door and steal your vehicle.

The Person Asks Inappropriate Questions

It's also a concern if the person asks questions that make you feel uncomfortable. Depending on the intentions of the individual, these questions may vary. For example, someone may ask if you're home by yourself or if your husband is home. The person may be looking to ascertain whether you're an easy target so that he or she can decide whether to barge into your home or not. If you notice even one of these three signs, it's a good idea to quickly shut the door, lock it, and arm your home security system.
